Børneattest - 'how to' for coaches

Once a year, the administration acquires children’s certificates for all coaches, assistants, team managers, etc. For more information, please read the guide below.

Children’s certificate – why?

All authorities, sports associations, etc. are obligated to acquire a children’s certificate for persons who act as coaches, instructors, team leaders for children under 15 years of age. Therefore, keep in mind, you will be unable to teach or be a team leader in the club without consenting to the administration acquiring a children’s certificate. A children’s certificate is meant to ensure that the adults who interact with the club's children have not been charged or convicted for child abuse.

What information is disclosed in the children’s certificate?

In contrast to the ordinary criminal record, the children’s certificate specifically looks at sexual offences committed towards children below the age of 15. In Denmark the age of consent is 15 years, but for cases involving teachers, coaches, youth leaders and other persons in positions of trust the age of consent is elevated to 18 years of age because of the increased risk of abuse. Terror related charges and convictions will also appear.

NOTE!  Please be aware that you will have to approve with MitID twice. Should you encounter any difficulties, please refer to the detailed guide below:

En gang om året indhenter administrationen børneattest på alle trænere, assistenter, holdledere mv. Her kan du blive klogere på hvorfor vi gør det samt finde en guide til, hvordan du giver samtykke.

Børneattest – Hvorfor?

Myndigheder, foreninger m.v. har pligt til at indhente børneattest for personer, der skal fungere som trænere, instruktører, holdledere for børn under 15 år, hvis der er tale om en fast tilknytning. Man kan altså ikke undervise eller være holdleder i klubben, uden at give samtykke til at administrationen indhenter børneattest. En børneattest skal sikre, at de voksne der omgås klubbens børn, ikke har været straffet for overgreb på børn.

Hvad kan man se på børneattesten?

En børneattest er ikke lige så omfattende som en straffeattest. En børneattest indeholder udelukkende oplysninger om afgørelser, dvs. domme m.v., om visse seksualforbrydelser begået mod børn under 15 år samt afgørelser og domme omhandlende terrorisme.

OBS! Mange bøvler med at give samtykke til at klubben må indhente børneattest. Det ER bøvlet, og man skal være opmærksom, for man skal godkende med MitID hele 2 gange. Her følger en detaljeret guide: